Bringing Back the Music Video

Who is TikiKiti? And what is TKIFF?

You don’t have to look far to find how the driving force behind the fan-made/unofficial music video format is a new generation of producers and musical artists. And we are finding some incredibly talented producers from all over the world.

So, what is a fan-made & unofficial music video?

TKIFF is the annual TikiKiti International Film Festival. Here is where we highlight those who submit their music video for the opportunity to win our Barclay Award. Here are the ground rules for submitting a video — not only for the TKIFF but when ever you want to send us a video to review.

As you can see by the examples below, the video begins when the song begins and ends when the song ends. It is okay to have an intro scene and an exit scene. But, do not break up the song midway with some type of narrative (or anything like grunts and strange sounds). Just use the original song in all its glory. If you go to our Ratings page there is a list of Do's and Don't's. Also, make sure the video is your original video. Do not search YouTube™ for video clips — or any other site that you can download video clips. This creates a completely different type of video we call a Mashup and not rated as highly as the original production. Here are some examples of fan-made and unofficial videos we have seen over the last five years.

If you have a video you want us to see it, just check out How To Submit to find all the rules — you know, there are always rules.

If you say you’re not good enough — well, we don’t believe you. We see amazing work submitted from producers worldwide.

Some important things to think about before submitting a video

1. NSFW (not suitable for work) videos will not be considered. Keep your porn to yourself. We don’t want to see it.

2. All videos will be accessible through your personal, professional or group YouTube channel.

3. Original music is acceptable as well as the fan-made, unofficial music video. The popular music video is between 2 minutes and 7 minutes long. We will be flexible on this — especially if you do a great video. NOTE: If you wrote a 42 minute electronic piece (or anything like this) it will likely not be accepted. No one wants to sit through your magnum opus. Likewise, a piece that is under 1 minute is considered a test piece and not a music video. Understand what a popular music video is.

4. All videos must be in cinematic landscape (16x9 perspective or greater). That means a horizontal (landscape) perspective and not a vertical (portrait) perspective. The “TikTok” style will not be accepted. NOTE: You may include an edit in your cinematic perspective using the vertical style if it fits your video's narrative. Just not the majority of the video. Also, a square perspective may be considered.

5. An entire song will be used from beginning to end. Resist the temptation to stop the song and add spoken elements or sound effects.

6. No Show Reels. We are not going to promote your company. We are not saying your submission cannot be part of a show reel. It just needs to stand on its own.

7. No lyric videos. That is, videos that just have the lyrics in what ever style or animation imaginable. If you do have lyrics (or subtitles) place them at the bottom of the frame — not in the middle. If you want to add lyrics as a graphic element because it enhances you style then that will be okay. But not if you just run the lyrics from beginning to end. We are very picky about lyrics and subtitles.

8. If you are submitting to the TikiKiti International Film Festival (TKIFF) you must include contact information. Included will be YouTube, Instagram and/or Facebook accounts. Email addresses would be appreciated. A video with an email address or any other social media contact info will be looked at favorably. If we comment on your YouTube channel please respond with other contact info.

9. You MUST include your country.

10. No commercial videos or product endorsements. See #6 above.

11. Videos may include an intro scene as well as an “outro” scene. However, these two scenes should not be longer than the actual music video. Credits are admissible but preferably at the beginning or end.

12. **Last year we would not allow music created with AI. This year all that has changed so we need to change as well. With the various AI software for creating music — such a Suno — we are seeing, — and hearing — newly created music. But we are still picky about this. Keep in mind what a pop music video is all about.

13. If you’re producing a fan-made or unofficial video,  do not speed up or slow down the original music. The music must be used as it was originally recorded.

14. WIth the advance in AI software for videos we have noticed many producers will include celebrity look-alikes

15. If you are using someone else’s music your video will be considered a fan-made and unofficial video. If you are using someone else’s  video — credit the source. We hope it would be an original source and not a stock video company such as Pixels. When you use another source for you visuals we call these mashup videos. For the purposes of this competition we will not be including any mashup videos.

16. For TKIFF submissions, you will not be notified if your video has been accepted or not. All submissions that have been accepted will appear on the TikiKiti YouTube page in a unique playlist. Position in this playlist does not indicate any preference on our part, merely the date it was accepted after a review by our panel.

If you have any questions — and we assume you will — please to not hesitate to contact us on our Facebook or Instagram pages, or email us at